I am very excited to represent you in getting the most money out of one of your largest investments you have made. I have been through life milestones as a working college student, married my spouse who is a builder and we worked together to build a future for ourselves and family. We are parents of (3) teens and understand the daily demands life brings at each stage of our lives. My job is to make selling your home a seamless and delightful experience where you are smiling at the closing table as you are passing your keys onto a new owner and accepting funds that will help support your next move in life. Thank you for letting me be part of this experience.

Your Expert Partner in Real Estate Transactions

Adriane Kizy is not just a seasoned Associate Broker and Real Estate Advisor; she's your trusted guide in the world of real estate. With decades of real estate experience, Adriane brings a wealth of expertise to the table, making her an invaluable asset for home buyers, sellers, and commercial investors alike.In choosing Adriane Kizy as your real estate partner, you're not just gaining a knowledgeable professional; you're gaining a dedicated advocate who values your unique journey. Adriane's blend of experience, education, and personal touch ensures that your real estate transactions are not only successful but also enjoyable.

Five-Star Client Ratings: A Testament to Excellence

Adriane is proud to hold a track record rating of 5-stars in customer satisfaction, 100% Net Promoter Score with Clients, Diamond Sales Awards, Hour Media recognized Top Performer, Recognized by the Sales and Marketing Executives of Detroit and featured in such publications as Top Agent Magazine. This is testament to her unwavering commitment to ensuring seamless transactions. Her dedication to providing individual attention to every client sets her apart in the competitive real estate landscape. Adriane understands that each real estate journey is unique, and she goes above and beyond to tailor her services accordingly.

Balancing Family and Career with Finesse

As a mother of three teenagers and the wife of a licensed residential builder, Adriane understands the importance of balance. Her ability to manage a successful real estate career while prioritizing family life is a reflection of her organizational skills and commitment to excellence in every aspect of life.

Educational Background and Industry Expertise

Adriane holds a bachelor’s degree in marketing management from Wayne State University, providing her with a solid foundation in strategic planning and effective communication. Her journey in the real estate industry spans various domains, from title services to new construction. Adriane's expertise extends to expert negotiation and customized marketing strategies, ensuring that her clients receive the best possible deals.

A Comprehensive Approach to Real Estate

Adriane's holistic approach to real estate is shaped by years of experience and a diverse skill set. Whether you're navigating the complexities of title services, exploring new construction opportunities, or seeking expert negotiation, Adriane has the knowledge and insight to guide you through every step of the process using a results driven proven marketing strategy.

A Passion for Quality Time and Outdoor Activities

Beyond the realm of real estate, Adriane cherishes quality time with her family. Her love for outdoor activities reflects her appreciation for life beyond the closing table. Adriane volunteers time and resources to assist the United Families Program and Church Sponsored Charities. This passion for a balanced and fulfilling life is evident in her approach to both her professional and personal endeavors. In choosing Adriane Kizy as your real estate partner, you're not just gaining a knowledgeable professional; you're gaining a dedicated advocate who values your unique journey. Adriane's blend of experience, education, and personal touch ensures that your real estate transactions are not only successful but also enjoyable.